Customer 360

POS - Point of sale software for Brands and Retailer by PredictSpring

The All-in-One Point of Sale (POS)

When customers have their choice of brands and channels, retailers can remain competitive by supercharging their personalization capabilities. 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand who provides tailored experiences.

Customer 360 is a truly omnichannel view of customer information, helping stores stay ahead of expectations. With the Modern POS, retailers can leverage the following features to establish a 360 view of customers:

  • Customer Search
  • Customer Profile
  • Customer Reviews
  • Customer Closet
  • Order Histories and Wishlists
  • Customer Notes
  • Activities

Omnichannel Profiles

Real-time access to data from across channels and tailor every experience. If a customer makes a purchase (either online or in-store), adds to their cart or updates their wishlist, this data is used alongside data relating to their past browsing behavior and interactions, to build out an enriched profile.

Fast Customer Lookup

The PredictSpring Modern POS is a single place to view all customer information. With truly mPOS capabilities, associates are able to search and find the relevant omnichannel customer profiles in just a few taps -  from any in-store device.

PredictSpring Endless Aisle iPad App for Brands and Retailers
PredictSpring Endless Aisle iPad App for Brands and Retailers

Customer Closets

Create, view and save customer closets. Use past purchases to create a digital closet for customers. See which items they already have, and spot opportunities for tailored upsells, cross-sells or repeat purchase recommendations.

Notes and Reviews

Unify all customer reviews and notes onto one platform. These can be viewed and used to make each interaction more tailored than the last. Empower store associates to enhance customer experiences by accessing customer feedback and leveraging it to personalize future interactions.

Customer 360 Benefits

Enhanced Clienteling

Customer 360 ensures clienteling features hit the mark. With a full 360 view of likes and dislikes, retailers can reach out to customers on a segment-by-segment basis with more relevant product recommendations, restock notifications and marketing materials.

Customer Loyalty

Empower stores to recommend the right product at the right time and keep customers coming back. Use customer information to tailor offers and promotions and incentivize repeat purchases.

Increased AOV

Increase upsells, cross-sells and repeat purchases with ease. Reach out to customers with relevant product recommendations and see average order values climb.

Operational Efficiency

Customers can hop from channel to channel with no impact on their level of service. Brands can use enriched customer data to ensure streamlined mixed cart orders and omnichannel order fulfillment.

PredictSpring Endless Aisle iPad App for Brands and Retailers
PredictSpring Endless Aisle iPad App for Brands and Retailers

A Platform For Accessing Unified Customer Data

The PredictSpring Modern POS is fully integrated with CRM and Loyalty systems such as Salesforce Service Cloud, NetSuite, Clutch and others to access customer profile data in the POS. We also provide a rich set of APIs for our partners to integrate with other third-party CRM platforms.

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